Strategies for Crypto-Blogger: 3 ways to earn money in crypto!

here is how to earn money in crypto

Seriously? You have to earn money! Running a website costs you quite a bunch of money and there is nothing better than an own website:

1) don´t only use but own 🧾 infrastructure

  • crypto related dotcom-domain ~ 30-200$ per year (but hey, you can be creative and get something for less) βœ…
  • hosting for 36 Month ~ 140$ (with promotion code on βœ…
  • a WordPress theme ~ 70$ (for Europeans it includes VAT which is some tax) the alternative is to program it your self βœ…
  • well, and of course your time βŒ›οΈ and attention πŸ‘.

Promote crypto-tool using referrals

How to make a good income from good promotion? Use referral links to useful tools like the brave browser and crypto-blogging services. Promoting decentralization means promoting freedom!

Do not use scams and links to pyramid schemes and ripoff “services”. You can hurt people and your reputation. Only tools which help and which are proven to work in a sustainable way.

2) Partnering up with Crypto-Companies

You can run some adds, maybe one or two in the header (sure, nobody cares about adds, but maybe you find a beneficial sponsor, something related to your side and ideals)

Will this make you rich? … well, first lets hope that it will cover some of your expenses. BUT! of course, without making some investments you can not win! Risk is a part of life and the success of your website is something which is in your own hands. If you lose money, you can blame no one but you. But lets be optimistic: the internet and the crypto-space is growing like crazy, this is a nobrainer.

  • #1 Useful Tools are exchanges

1 or 2 centralized exchanges with long track-record (e.g. and
but also offer decentralized alternatives like Bit-shares OpenLedger or Yobit. We are advocates for more decentralization and not for big companies. Of course not every person, especially newbies are capable of using a DEX (decentralized exchange) – be patient and open to your readers.

3) Be honest and open – honesty pays off!

Explain to them that crypto is not about maximalism, they can use Steem-based platforms because Steem has the biggest user-base and they can use something like Publish0x because it is blockchain-agnostic, so that they can chose which crypto-currency to earn. It is not one or the other, they can cross-publish.

Be honest about expectations. Yes, most people like it to be scammed, but remember the struggle we went through. We ALL had high expectations, thought that the price of the tokens we used will move straight up – and as soon as those expectations got violated –> most users ran away, told everyone what a scam Steem(it) and crypto is.

4) Have a clear vision

My goal is not only to promote crypto but also become an “employer”. I personally donΒ΄t like the term, employing people means taking their time and giving them money, better is a supporter, this site should help others to grow, that they maybe some day become a guest author and getting in contact with the industry.

What are Your goals? Do you need further inspiration? Then make sure to check the following articles: